engelnest Photo


engelnest Photo

Wilhelm-Kabus-Straße 22-24
10829 Berlin

In our 1200 square meters indoor plus 1000 square-meter open-air space, we’ve created agile and dynamic spaces with different environments, tools and equipment, allowing our members to move around whenever their tasks or moods change. With two exceptional event venues in "Paletten-Lager", our vibrant and cosy outdoor area, and "Keller", our stylish and moody indoor antre, we offer the perfect settings for special events. Plus, a two-room container getting ready to host intimate meetings and engaging workshops.

engelnest Website

Events at engelnest

Monday, September 11

Monday, 09:00am - 06:00pm

Open Coworking Day

We will open the doors of our coworking area to all interested parties on 12.09.2023 from 9 am - 6 pm. Cool drinks will be waiting for you, and the use of our coworking workstations is free of charge on this day: first come, first served.

There will also be an experience report on coworking: Coworking, why it is so important to break out of the familiar environment every now and then.

Monday, 06:00pm - 09:00pm

Office 2.0 (DE)

Post-Corona, Hybrides Arbeiten und die Möglichkeit zum Home Office: Die Arbeitswelt hat sich in den letzten Jahren enorm verändert. Im Zeiten von steigenden Mieten überlegen immer mehr Unternehmen, ungenutzte Büroflächen abzustoßen und die verbleibenden Räumlichkeiten umzubauen, sodass sie den Anforderungen an moderne Zusammenarbeit gerecht werden. Es werden Zonen definiert, Buchungssysteme eingeführt und über Clean-Desk-Policies diskutiert. Der Innovationsberater Michael Metzger gibt Einblick in ein aktuelles Beratungsprojekt seiner Agentur D.Network, in der die Bedürfnisse von 500 Mitarbeitenden an moderne Zusammenarbeit erhoben worden sind. Michael zeigt Spannungsfelder auf, unterschiedliche Nutzungstypen von Arbeitswelten sowie Prototypen und Lösungsmodelle, die nun beim Kunden eingeführt werden – um die Büroräumlichkeiten mehr wie einen Coworking-Space zu organisieren.

Tuesday, September 12

Tuesday, 09:00am - 06:00pm

Open Coworking Day

We will open the doors of our coworking area to all interested parties on 12.09.2023 from 9 am - 6 pm. Cool drinks will be waiting for you, and the use of our coworking workstations is free of charge on this day: first come, first served.

There will also be an experience report on coworking: Coworking, why it is so important to break out of the familiar environment every now and then.

Wednesday, September 13

Wednesday, 09:00am - 06:00pm

Open Coworking Day

We will open the doors of our coworking area to all interested parties on 12.09.2023 from 9 am - 6 pm. Cool drinks will be waiting for you, and the use of our coworking workstations is free of charge on this day: first come, first served.

There will also be an experience report on coworking: Coworking, why it is so important to break out of the familiar environment every now and then.

Wednesday, 06:00pm - 09:00pm

Unlock the Potential of Berlin Coworking (EN)

How agile methodologies are shaping the way business operates and how many opportunities it brings to us in terms of creating an international startup community in Berlin.

Wednesday, 06:00pm - 09:00pm

Growing Startup Ecosystem in Berlin

Anna Wiese and Kemal Apaydin will discuss how agile methodologies are shaping the way business operates and how many opportunities it brings to us in terms of creating an international startup community in Berlin.

Anna Wiese - Manager International Startups At Berlin Partner:
Anna is responsible for the internationalization of Berlin-based startups. In her role she is supporting companies in their global expansion by organizing delegation trips e.g., to the USA, China, UAE, France and the UK.

Kemal Apaydin - CEO, Alon Health
With over 10+ years of startup experience and a successful exit in the US, he is an award-winning entrepreneur recognized by prestigious publications like Forbes and TechCrunch. Additionally, he has had the privilege of being a speaker at more than 100 events, including TEDx conferences, and he serves as a mentor and advisor for various organizations, including TUSIAD.

Thursday, September 14

Thursday, 09:00am - 06:00pm

Open Coworking Day

We will open the doors of our coworking area to all interested parties on 12.09.2023 from 9 am - 6 pm. Cool drinks will be waiting for you, and the use of our coworking workstations is free of charge on this day: first come, first served.

There will also be an experience report on coworking: Coworking, why it is so important to break out of the familiar environment every now and then.

Friday, September 15

Friday, 09:00am - 06:00pm

Open Coworking Day

We will open the doors of our coworking area to all interested parties on 12.09.2023 from 9 am - 6 pm. Cool drinks will be waiting for you, and the use of our coworking workstations is free of charge on this day: first come, first served.

There will also be an experience report on coworking: Coworking, why it is so important to break out of the familiar environment every now and then.

Friday, 02:00pm - 03:30pm

Cobot Meet & Greet: Automation tools for your space

Meet the team behind your favorite coworking space management software!

You want to optimize and automate your space? Or you are already, but something isn’t quite working? In an open session hosted by Engelnest, the Cobot team will share tips and tricks around automating your space, from setup advice to expert insider knowledge. Bring all your questions, ideas and suggestions – You’ll get to chat directly with the founders, developers, designers and support team behind Cobot, and talk shop!

Cobot is the leading coworking management solution, offering automated payments, invoices, bookings, event, community and visitor management, and much more. Cobot was founded along with the coworking movement in Berlin over a decade ago. Today Cobot powers hundreds of spaces and serves hundreds of thousands of coworkers around the world.

Friday, 07:00pm - 11:59pm

Closing Party

Theme: Embracing the Future of Work

Invite Only Entrance - Guests can also invite their friends and network.

Expand Your Network: The Closing Party offers the perfect opportunity to forge new connections and strengthen existing ones. Mingle with industry experts, entrepreneurs, and like-minded professionals in the coworking community.

Concept Celebration: Let's celebrate the transformative power of coworking, remote lifestyles and the boundless potential of new work. Together, we have explored innovative concepts, shared insights, and inspired each other to embrace the future of work with enthusiasm and determination.

Raise a Toast: Cheers to the success of the Coworking Festival and the incredible strides made in shaping the future of work. Enjoy an array of refreshing drinks at the bar.

Fresh Snacks: Savor yummy snacks that reflect our commitment to providing a fresh and inviting atmosphere in our gathering.